Following up the critically acclaimed debute album, Laike will release his second album «Fången i det senaste» on november together with musicians from Lisa o Piu, Dungen and AnnaMy. Christofer Ståhle, or Laike as he calls himself as an artist, explores himself, the society and the sounds from outer space on «Fången i det senaste». The album is in the folk rock tradition of the early 1970s and the 2010s, although you can trace elements of psychedelia, pop, soul from the 70s and progressive rock too. Hypnotic fingerpicking and suggestive harmonies are mixed with more upbeat songs creating a moody album with an energetic groove.
Laike started out as a one man project 2010 by Christofer Ståhle outside Lund in Sweden. The first album «Långt från stadslivets dån» was released in 2012 on the British label Les Cousins. It was a one man project with help from different guest musicians. During the recording of the last album «Fången i det senaste» (Trapped in the latest), David Svedmyr, Lisa Isaksson and Johan Svedmyr were more involved in producing, arranging and recording the music and the whole group often play together live. Guest musicians from bands as Dungen and AnnaMy also appear on the album. The second album «Fången i det senaste» will be released on the Spanish label Monterey Discos on November 2014.
Christofer makes the chords and lyrics to the songs while David, Lisa and Johan have helped with arranging and producing the songs. The album has been recorded and produced in Brottby outside Stockholm by David Svedmyr as a sound engineer. The mixing and mastering was made by David Svedmyr together with the bass player from Dungen, Mattias Gustafsson. The sources of inspiration are many but British folk bands from the seventies like Steeleye Span, Fairport Convention and Pentangle are important sources of inspiration as well as Swedish bands and artists like Kebnekaise, Mikael Ramel, Jojje Wadenius and Pugh Rogefeldt.
Christofer has among other things played the flute on the album «Beautiful Days» by Majessic Dreams, released in 2008 and David and Lisa play in Lisa o Piu, Me and my Kites and sometimes with Promise and the Monster, In Gowan Ring and the Amazing. Johan plays with several different bands including Me and My kites and Katla.
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